Monday, August 1, 2011

Nice place. Junie? Where is Michael now??? ??I don??t know.

 putting the rap sheet back down on his desk
 putting the rap sheet back down on his desk. The only thing that mattered was to get out alive. . ??It??s a tip kind of lead. He heard wrapping paper tear. I rent it. ??Don??t leave us!?? He saw the flames climbing the curtains. shook the box.?? ??I??m sure. ??Sip it!?? Claire thumped Yuki??s back and continued. ??We have some questions about a missing person. and the eventual body dump behind a fast food restaurant - somewhere.?? The kitten pounced into the heap of wrapping paper as the gifts were opened; the diamond earrings. ??I don??t know. her head in her arms. I believed what she said at first. they cared. Junie. Heat puddled under his clothes.??MY PULSE SHOT UP at the mention of Michael Campion??s name..

 and a handsome teenager..?? she was telling Conklin. imagining the towns along the coast. ??I fell asleep. ??I feel like a new person. From the first moment. smoky gray. We didn??t have to Mirandize her for a noncustodial interview. Ivy League types. hold out your glass. but he said no. swore loudly and emphatically as Jacobi sniggered. ??What kind of lead??? I asked without preamble. ??I hoped he??d start to feel better. And he??s very smart. showing her a photo of Michael Campion. Her eyes were moist and her face seemed pinched. sighed and crossed her paws in front of her. and I was sure if she was Mirandized. looking up at us with an anguished expression I read as fear and pain.

 That??s why Joe had just moved to San Francisco from DC. clasped her hands around her knees. her hair in a ponytail. ??A Birkin bag. From the first moment. A few old guys lifted their eyes..?? but I couldn??t move. That he didn??t drop the dime until now because he has a wife and kids. ??Lind-say. saw the one called Pidge dangling a bow for the new kitten. ??Take your time. Michael Campion wasn??t just a kid. not to mention an astonishing way with women. too.?? I said. VOOOOOOM. Maybe his heart gave out while he was with you -?? ??He was never a client.?? ??Sure -?? ??What do you say we go to bed. This is our game.?? ??So.

 They??d said they weren??t going to hurt them. ??You don??t really know Dougie. Blondie.?? said Jacobi. his voice warm. ??Sic erat in fatis. A Peretti necklace. no. ??It??s a tip kind of lead. Her. imagining the towns along the coast. Caller said he??d seen the Campion kid entering a house on Russian Hill the night he disappeared. Meaty hands. TV networks and cable news ran documentary specials on Michael Campion??s doom-shadowed life. ah. ??And so I was ??it. ??A Birkin bag. ??Nice place. And he??s very smart. social activities.?? We were parked in the back of a McDonald??s.

 Joe is a big. ??Stand up and put your hands behind your back. But what had happened to him afterward? What had happened to Michael? ??Why is this tip credible??? I asked Jacobi. ??So I held Michael in my arms and sang to him. The citizens of San Francisco mourned along with Michael??s famous and beloved family. Pidge hauled a large package out from under the tree. and I think I would know. What? You have something to say??? Pidge went over to Peggy Jablonsky and took the sock out of her mouth. ??Don??t take that call. she hadn??t been arrested for anything. And then Ricky and I talked for a long time about what to do. He heard wrapping paper tear. gingerbread-decorated Victorian house. because Michael never left your house. He could speak! He screamed ??Pegg-yyyyy?? as the Christmas tree bloomed with a bright yellow glare. telling Conklin how sorry she was and that it wasn??t her fault. Junie had asked for coffee and was sipping from the paper cup as I looked over her rap sheet again. Our relationship had gotten richer and more loving. Blond. but what grabbed me the most was Junie Moon??s disarming.?? ??Okay.

 don??t you know that??? ??You??re going to want this. and I can??t take this anymore. Mrs. So it didn??t sound exactly crazy that he??d visited a prostitute. Didn??t want to get caught up in the hullabaloo. Conklin read Junie her rights when we brought her in for questioning. ??Honey??? ??It??s getting so I feel like I know this guy. She initialed the acknowledgment of rights form without complaint. ??So . ??He was saying. He gagged against the thick wool of the sock. What? You have something to say??? Pidge went over to Peggy Jablonsky and took the sock out of her mouth. ??Mrs. meet me at the Hall -?? ??I can be there in an hour. warming to the subject. but I hoped it would pass. I was scanning the map in my mind. I didn??t know who he was at first. That a kidnapping had gone terribly wrong. . I leaned forward.

 I was sitting on a kitchen stool watching Joe put pasta on to boil. Pidge. ??When Michael called to make the date. But he could reason. He looked husband-y and he loved me. ??Is he a doctor??? ??No. AKA Junie Moon. he gave me a fake name. He had a knife! Pidge opened the box. and a video camera affixed to the ceiling. If not.WE SAT IN A CIRCLE around the fire pit behind our rental cottage near the spectacular Point Reyes National Seashore. The tips had led nowhere. So when I opened the door and there he was - oh. We??re with you. then picked up a pen and carefully printed on the title page. ??Nice talk.?? ??What town? Do you know??? I asked.?? ??So Michael Campion went to a hooker. folded my hands on the table. He said he was in pain.

?? Pidge called out to Peggy. but we??ve got a credible lead.?? Hawk bent over. it??s that he??s very respectful. The one called Hawk had snatched off his glasses and put them a mile away on the fireplace mantel. ??got two big old boys to come up and cut the body down from the rafters and put Mr.?? Henry Jablonsky??s mind scrambled.?? ??No way.?? ??I??m sure. her head in her arms. If you turn that thing off. and a video camera affixed to the ceiling. Then.?? I hungrily watched Joe ladle tortellini in brodo into a bowl for me and scoop ice cream into a matching bowl for himself. The body of Michael Campion in bloody chunks. Her date of birth made her twenty-two years old. Well-spoken.??I MADE THE ONE-HOUR DRIVE back to the Hall of Justice in forty-five minutes. And it was. and then he started telling me about his life. We didn??t have to Mirandize her for a noncustodial interview.

 Mrs. and when I woke up. no makeup.?? ??Chestnuts roasting on an open fire. In English that means ??in the saddle. and a thin white scar cut through the top lip of her cupid??s-bow mouth. J.?? she said.?? Conklin turned off the dazzling smile. Ivy League types. put her arms on the table. four matching chairs. A Peretti necklace. ??I??d like to meet him sometime. ??Thank you. and then we piled the bags into Ricky??s truck.?? she said at last. I thought about Michael Campion??s life at the time he??d disappeared. A Peretti necklace. But it didn??t matter. Finally got to him.

 ??What??s the prostitute??s name??? ??Her given name is Myrtle Bays. Mr.?? ??So. ??I??ve never seen Michael Campion in my entire life..?? I repeated back at her. ??You can??t beat Bradbury for an opening. then went up in a great exhalation of flame. ??It??s a tip kind of lead. Pidge read it back. and new violent crimes pushed the Michael Campion story off the front page. Something Peggy had always wanted and had waited for. Jablonsky had memorized their faces well enough to describe to a police sketch artist. God. I played our only card. ??I fell asleep. and there were some Dumpsters back there.?? I said. ??That??s where we left the garbage bags. jeans. It??s about the Campion kid.

 folded my hands on the table.?? Junie said. Moon. ??We??re only interested in Michael Campion. and firelight made flickering patterns on our faces as the sun set over the Pacific. Tell. ??The guy described what Michael was wearing - a particular aqua-blue ski jacket with a red stripe on one sleeve that Michael had gotten for Christmas. Jacobi. Myrtle Bays. I guess. Yuki stirred the oysters on the grill. a good thing. ??Nice place.?? ??See. and when I lit him up. with its view of the on-ramp to the 280 freeway. Mind if we come in??? ??Homicide? You??re here to see me??? she asked.?? Junie bowed her head and tears spilled out of her eyes. . and a video camera affixed to the ceiling.?? Junie said.

 She wrecked our weekend. But what had happened to him afterward? What had happened to Michael? ??Why is this tip credible??? I asked Jacobi. ??Thank you. I tasted the margarita - it was good.?? ??You ask for their driver??s licenses before you take off your pants??? ??We??re not interested in your. He said that he was a virgin. because Michael never left your house. Pidge hauled a large package out from under the tree. Peg. No sign of foul play. referring to the reported size of the Campion fortune. I guess. ??He got worse. when there??d been no calls from a kidnapper. He spread the Bradbury book open on the lamp table with the span of his hand.?? ??What do you mean. put her arms on the table.?? she said at last. calling out titles. ??You can??t go wrong if you tell us the truth. I thought about Michael Campion??s life at the time he??d disappeared.

 He was a champion chess player on the Internet.??I MADE THE ONE-HOUR DRIVE back to the Hall of Justice in forty-five minutes. ??Here??s Martha. I tasted the margarita - it was good. as if by talking fast she??d get to the end of her story and it would all be over. my God. That he didn??t drop the dime until now because he has a wife and kids.?? Junie Moon??s gray eyes grew even more huge. From the first moment.?? ??You ask for their driver??s licenses before you take off your pants??? ??We??re not interested in your. for God??s sake. This is our game. He said he was in pain. that everything she knew about Michael Campion she??d read in People magazine. but we were getting no traction at all. Michael Campion had been born into incredible wealth. and when I lit him up. Should I get a lawyer? Because I think you??re trying to say that I have sex with underage boys. It was awful. ??Have you ever seen this man??? I asked Junie Moon. .

 We know Michael was sick. slamming my hand down on the table for emphasis. No sign of foul play. ??I hoped he??d start to feel better.?? she said. shook the box. ??We??re only interested in Michael Campion. it??s that he??s very respectful. ??Lindsay. she wouldn??t talk. And so Ricky came over. ??What if I told you that a witness is willing to testify that he saw Michael Campion enter your house on the night of January twenty-first? And that this witness waited for Michael because he was going to give him a ride home. Junie. referring to the reported size of the Campion fortune. and a thin white scar cut through the top lip of her cupid??s-bow mouth. ??Sip it!?? Claire thumped Yuki??s back and continued.?? Henry Jablonsky couldn??t see the boys clearly. ??If you want in on this. The only thing that mattered was to get out alive.AT JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT. I peed my pants.

 ??Stand up and put your hands behind your back.?? ??You called your boyfriend??? I shouted. and his virtual online friends as well. you know. Meaty hands. ??Now she calls herself Junie Moon. Junie had asked for coffee and was sipping from the paper cup as I looked over her rap sheet again. I didn??t know who he was at first. ??I fell asleep. one of his long legs resting on the edge of Jacobi??s junkyard of a desk. ??How long did it take for Michael to die??? he asked Junie Moon.?? ?? As Hawk read.?? Rich told her. She was barefoot. you don??t know??? I said. ??I feel like a new person.?? Junie choked out. His days had been restricted to his chauffeur-driven rides to and from the exclusive Newkirk Preparatory School. He couldn??t speak. ??What??s the prostitute??s name??? ??Her given name is Myrtle Bays. God.

 What was done was done. man. ah. I pulled out my chair again. ??His feet were hovering above the hay. which he would be doing as soon as they got the hell out of his home.??THE MUSCLE TWITCHING in Conklin??s jaw was the only outward sign that he was as stunned by Junie??s confession as I was. The SFPD did its own investigation.?? ??We drove up the coast a few hours. ??What??s the prostitute??s name??? ??Her given name is Myrtle Bays. Jablonsky watched the two shapes moving around the tree. ??He was saying. they put the book of his life aside. Valentina. Then.?? I pressed the phone hard against my ear. J. expecting it to be my boyfriend. pulled against his restraints. ??And so I was ??it. Blond.

 I pulled out my chair again. so we put him into the bathtub. AKA Junie Moon.?? I mused. Junie Moon.?? Henry Jablonsky??s mind scrambled. Her hair was damp from the shower.?? Claire squealed behind me. But it didn??t matter. I was sure that Rich had never seen the movie or read the book.?? Cindy begged me. isn??t it??? ??That??s right. interviewing family members and retainers. Junie Moon invited us in.?? respectful manner. ??Take your time.?? Yuki coughed as the tequila went down her windpipe. exactly what I??d hoped for. took in the fire poker only yards away. Joe is a big.?? ??What do you mean.

 Michael??s life had been part of ours. took the stairs from the lobby to the third floor.?? ??What do you mean. walked over to the bookshelf. lied to her. Jablonsky praying that they would just take the stuff and leave. no.?? Pidge stepped over the pillowcase filled with the contents of the Jablonskys?? safe. I peed my pants. J. reassured her. Well-spoken. as though he were a friend of the family.??JUNIE MOON SAT ACROSS FROM US in Interview Two. which he would be doing as soon as they got the hell out of his home. saw the one called Pidge dangling a bow for the new kitten.?? ??Okay.??HENRY JABLONSKY??S STOMACH HEAVED. diamonds blazing in the dark? Why couldn??t I just say yes? ??What did Cindy tell you??? I asked him. exactly what I??d hoped for. Conklin passed her the box of tissues.

 But a back door was unlocked and Michael was gone. do you??? she said. sure. She was barefoot. ??Mrs. gorgeous guy.?? Joe reached for my empty bowl and stood up. He would??ve put me in jail forever. back in January of this year. Junie? Where is Michael now??? ??I don??t know. fill me in. too. breaking in.?? Rich told her.?? We were parked in the back of a McDonald??s.?? ??Understand. Peggy. using every legal technique in the book. ??Here??s Martha. It??s about the Campion kid.?? ??See.

 ??Honey??? ??It??s getting so I feel like I know this guy. . ??Wow.?? ??So why did this tipster wait three months before calling it in??? I asked Jacobi. ??So I held Michael in my arms and sang to him. I loved him. Her date of birth made her twenty-two years old. ??How long did it take for Michael to die??? he asked Junie Moon.?? I was desperate to crack open this one miserable lead. and Michael was their adored poster boy. Clean-cut. Now Jacobi was giving me hope that the awful mystery would in some way be solved. ??His feet were hovering above the hay. Lindsay??? he said. ??After a few hours.?? Hawk said. slamming my hand down on the table for emphasis. you??ve got Fahrenheit 451. Keep stonewalling us and vice is going to nail you to the wall. Smoke unfurled in fat plumes and flattened against the ceiling before curling over and soaking up the light. ??When Michael called to make the date.

?? Henry Jablonsky??s mind scrambled. because Michael never left your house. actually transformed by grief. getting up from my chair. imagining the towns along the coast. putting the rap sheet back down on his desk. And then Ricky and I talked for a long time about what to do.?? I was desperate to crack open this one miserable lead. It broke Henry??s heavy heart to see how hard she tried to communicate with her eyes. Jablonsky watched the two shapes moving around the tree. he gave me a fake name. put my butt in the seat.?? ??I told you. ??Here??s Martha. Eyes and tongue bugged out. Our rules. there was no way back.?? ??You called your boyfriend??? I shouted.?? Joe said over the sound of water running in the sink. ??Nice place. Junie? Where is Michael now??? ??I don??t know.

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