Thursday, November 25, 2010

And to Harry's horror, Slughorn threw out an arm and seemed

And to Harry's horror, Slughorn threw out an arm and seemed to scoop Snape out of thin air toward them.

“Stop skulking and come and join us, Severus!” hiccuped Slughorn happily. “I was just talking about Harry's exceptional potion-making! Some credit must go to you, of

course, you taught him for five years!”

Trapped, with Slughorn's arm around his shoulders, Snape looked down his hooked nose at Harry, his black eyes narrowed.

“Funny, I never had the impression that I managed to teach Potter anything at all.”

“Well, then, it's natural ability!” shouted Slughorn. “You should have seen what he gave me, first lesson, Draught of Living Death—never had a student produce finer

on a first attempt, I don't think even you, Severus —”

“Really?” said Snape quietly, his eyes still boring into Harry, who felt a certain disquiet. The last thing he wanted was for Snape to start investigating the source

of his newfound brilliance at Potions.

“Remind me what other subjects you're taking, Harry?” asked Slughorn .

“Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology...”

“All the subjects required, in short, for an Auror ,” said Snape with the faintest sneer.

“Yeah, well, that's what I'd like to do,” said Harry defiantly.

“And a great one you'll make too!” boomed Slughorn.

“I don't think you should be an Auror, Harry,” said Luna unexpectedly. Everybody looked at her. “The Aurors are part of the Rotfang Conspiracy, I thought everyone

knew that. They're planning to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using a combination of Dark Magic and gum disease.”

Harry inhaled half his mead up his nose as he started to laugh. Really, it had been worth bringing Luna just for this. Emerging, from his goblet, coughing, sopping wet

but still grinning, he saw something calculated to raise his spirits even higher: Draco Malfoy... being dragged by the ear toward them by Argus Filch.

“Professor Slughorn,” wheezed Filch, his jowls aquiver and the maniacal light of mischief-detection in his bulging eyes, “I discovered this boy lurking in an

upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party and to have been delayed in setting out. Did you issue him with an invitation?”

Malfoy pulled himself free of Filch's grip, looking furious.

“All right, I wasn't invited!” he said angrily. “I was trying to gatecrash, happy?”

“No, I'm not!” said Filch, a statement at complete odds with the glee on his face. “You're in trouble, you are! Didn't the Headmaster say that night-time prowling is

out, unless you've got permission, didn't he, eh?”

“That's all right, Argus, that's all right,” said Slughorn, waving a hand. “It's Christmas, and it's not a crime to want to come to a party. Just this once, we'll

forget any punishment; you may stay, Draco.”

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