Friday, September 3, 2010

Dodging Dog Doo

Allston, Mass- I wake up, put clothes on, gather my things, and hop on the bicycle for an enjoyable ride to work.

I’m 24 years old and live roughly a half-hour southwest of downtown Boston. The route I take is along Storrow Drive- a popular jogging/biking route amongst Bostonians that offers pleasant views of the Boston/Cambridge cityscape, green-spaces, and various outdoor recreational activities.

My bike, (a single-speed cruiser I built for enjoyment rather than velocity) was gliding along at a fairly average speed, when I decided to appreciate the surrounding scenery. Normally I try and refrain from rubbernecking, but today I became engaged with the architecture over in Cambridge, causing me to gaze-off for a few seconds. What I didn’t know or see at the time was the fact that I was rapidly approaching a Dog-Borne Mine Field.

All of a sudden, while shifting my head back to the straightforward position, I was able to catch a glimpse of an immediate obstacle, a.k.a dog poop, forcing me to jerk my handlebars to the right so that I wouldn’t run over the monsterous fudge-dragon.


I thought I was safe; I was wrong. Many more roadside bombs lay ahead, sending my smooth ride into a frantic zig-zag motion. Although I only had to use my basic-maneuvers for 25 yards, it still seemed as though time stood still.

Two-thirds of the way through the mine-strip, I noticed a tire-track right through the middle of a chocolate hotdog. I thought to myself, “that could have been me!” Arriving to work with an ugly residue on your back will most likely ruin any day.

This brings me to the question, what’s worse: riding through dog poop or stepping in it? I’d like to know the percentage of people that have stepped in dog poop. My guess is 80/90% of people have accidently stepped where they shouldn’t have at least once in their life.

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